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Portland > Classifieds > Wanted > *Wanted* Upright Freezer approx 14, 15, or 16 cu ft - $75

*Wanted* Upright Freezer approx 14, 15, or 16 cu ft - $75

Portland, OR • 09/14/2007

Looking for an upright freezer around 14-16 cu ft. Must be clean and in decent condition. Less than 5 years old and engery star is a bonus. Please email me and let me know what the dimensions are, features it has, where it is located, and the shape it is in. Any locking feature would also be a bonus. I also prefer manual defrosting, since frost free tends to break.

Let me know how much roughly, thanks. I have a truck and can pick it up quickly and easily.

Thanks a ton!


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Portland, OR

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